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The Predators of the Serengeti

Along with the overwhelming numbers of calves born come the predators. During calving season, the Southern Serengeti and Western Ngorongoro Conservation area host the highest concentration of predators in Africa. Lions, hyenas, and cheetahs show up in large numbers to patrol the grasses. They are waiting for the perfect time to make a kill. But an easy kill isn’t always guaranteed. Female wildebeest instinctively know to head to the short grass plains so that they can see approaching predators. There they form a barricade around birthing mothers to protect them and the young when they are the most vulnerable — during birth. This ensures the majority of the young survive.

Traveling to the Serengeti during calving season promises an exciting adventure full of wonder and plenty of action. The hunting of young wildebeest by large cats is part of nature. During the few weeks of calving season, you’re sure to see some magnificent kills, especially from the agile cheetahs.